ABS Census release and building your data diet
Rejoice, the release of data from the 2021 ABS Census has commenced!
As of 28th of June, the ABS released a large portion of the population data and there’s more to come, with additional location data and employment data expected to be released in October 2022, with more complex topics released in 2023.
The Census results are a staple of any good data diet. Used by demographers, sociologists, economists, urban geographers, economic development practitioners, and many more to measure and track the progress of our population and economy. This data is vital in enabling us to better understand our situation and plan for the future.
For economic development practitioners and strategic planners this is about understanding population, industry, employment, labour force, trends, challenges and opportunities. The biggest tragedy for us “dataphiles” is that the Census only occurs once every five years. This means we’re required to look elsewhere for up-to-date data, as well as forecast and make predictions.
So how can we improve our data diet, complement the Census data, build our data arsenal and better understand how our communities and economies and performing? We can connect with those at the source - our people, industries and businesses.
This is where Monitor CRMS comes in, connecting those that govern and plan for our communities, economies, and societies with the those at the source.
In this space, we’re currently developing some exciting enhancements to Monitor CRMS around reporting and analytics that will be sure to please all the “dataphiles” out there.
You can read more about the current and upcoming release of 2021 ABS Census data here.